Wilderness Director - Camp Lake Hubert
Empower young women in the wilderness!
Camp Lake Hubert for Girls is a “skill-based” camp; we use that term to describe the activity experience. Campers work toward skill development in chosen areas. As campers learn activity skills from positive role models – that’s you! – they also practice social skills, community living, and group communication. The opportunity to influence youth in the unique setting of camp is life-affirming, challenges you daily, and builds a solid foundation for growth as a leader in all aspects of life.
As the Wilderness Activity Director, you will lead a variety of wilderness skill programs including kayaking, canoeing, orienteering, fire-building, and more! We are excited to learn about your unique skillset and how we may implement your knowledge to serve our campers.
A typical camp day consists of a 4-period activity schedule. Each camper chooses activities every three days to either try their hand at something new, or continue building skills in their favorite area. Activity Directors oversee the overall operation of their area, including the development and implementation of lesson plans, equipment maintenance, and instruction of their activity including all necessary safety procedures. Directors teach their activity EVERY period and typically manage a small number of staff who are also trained in their area.
Activity Directors are expected to arrive to camp a bit earlier than other staff to complete program-specific training, help with projects to open camp (including their activity areas), and collaborate with other program staff to prepare for the season.
Activity Directors also live with youth in cabins and fulfill cabin expectations complementary to their activity area workload. Activity Directors play a major role in the recruitment of campers to their activity area by being available to and interacting with campers of all ages, particularly during meals and by performing skits at all-camp events like campfires.
We strongly prefer candidates who . . .
- Are at least 21 years old
- Hold certifications in their activity area
- Have instructional experience in their activity area
- Are women!