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Oswego AmeriCorps

Oswego AmeriCorps members serve at schools, recreation programs, libraries and non profit agencies throughout Oswego County. They serve county youth by providing mentoring, nutrition education and fitness activities. During the school year, members serve in 900 hour terms of service.

Member Duties : You will be representing America at its best, making a lasting difference while promoting the values of community, responsibility and opportunity. You can learn valuable skills while fulfilling the AmeriCorps pledge to "get things done." Each program utilizes their AmeriCorps member in a unique way. At schools, members can assist students to encourage healthy eating habits and promote better physical fitness. At recreation programs, members can plan activities and supervise youth. With volunteer programs, members can recruit and oversee community volunteers.

Program Benefits : Stipend ,  Education award upon successful completion of service ,  Living Allowance . 

Terms :
Permits attendance at school during off hours ,  Permits working at another job during off hours . 

Service Areas :
Homelessness ,  Health ,  Children/Youth ,  Community and Economic Development ,  Housing ,  Education ,  Community Outreach . 

Skills :
Social Services ,  Youth Development ,  Team Work ,  Teaching/Tutoring ,  General Skills ,  Public Speaking ,  Law ,  Public Health ,  Education .