Atlantic Council


June - August 2017 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Very good opportunity to learn about different issues, contribute your own ideas, and gain new skills.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I felt this was a great unpaid opportunity.


Be outgoing and take advantage of the opportunities they present you with.
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Executive Office Intern

May - August 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Lots of smart people in the organization, people work hard but there's also great respect for work-life balance. Bosses were always respectful of my time and would not make me work past 6pm. Also getting to attend many events where high profile speakers were invited (e.g. BP Chief Economist, Marco Rubio was there at some point, many ambassadors stop by).

What I wish was different

More structured internship program with a clear deliverable at the end to talk about, more standardized training for interns to gain skills.


Set a clear goal for yourself for a deliverable at the end of the internship
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