Eight Eleven Group - Parent Company of Brooksource, Medasource & Calculated Hire

corporate intern

May - August 2022 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I had no preconceived ideas or thoughts about the experience as an intern with eighth eleven. I was so pleasantly surprised to be surrounded by such dedicated and professional people. The respect they showed me as an intern was very motivational. Each day provided me an opportunity to demonstrate that I was a hard worker who could take direction and complete a task on time with my best efforts. I am pleased to say that I came away from this experience with a great deal of respect and admiration for the people and the company in general. I feel like I have a lot to offer and hopefully a position will be available to me upon graduation from Indiana University.

What I wish was different



I learned that paying close attention to instructions and details is extremely important in following through on specific tasks. Also, always being on time every time is essential to demonstrating a persons commitment to the team and the employer. The environment at Eight Eleven was very stimulating and encouraging.
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Internal Hiring Representative

June 2022 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I enjoyed the interview process because they made it very personal and transparent by asking about my goals and motivators. The team was extremely welcoming and gave me great insight into the phenomenal culture that exists across the different divisions. Everyday I wanted to go into work because my coworkers were extremely motivating and welcoming.

What I wish was different


Make sure to be yourself throughout the interview process. Being authentic is the best to get a feel of how you would contribute to the family culture, which is award winning. Ask questions and be eager to learn about the industry.
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Technical Recruiter

June 2019 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

The company culture is impeccable and the people you work with are brilliantly fun and energetic.

What I wish was different


Be yourself and be ready to work!
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Internal Hiring Intern AND Senior Technical Recruiter

March 2018 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I have been lucky enough to be apart of the Eight Eleven Group family in more ways than one. I started in the company as an intern during my last semester as a senior at Butler University and was instantly welcomed onto the Internal Hiring team with open arms where they taught me all about the core values of the company. I learned how much I appreciated grit, passion, and family. After graduation, I decided to stay within Eight Eleven Group and become a Technical Recruiter with Medasource. I can confidently say it has exceeded my expectations of what I thought both an internship and first post-grad job were supposed to be like!

What I wish was different


My piece of advice would be to network with everyone! Eight Eleven Group is lucky enough to be the parent company of three amazing organizations, Brooksource, Medasource, & Calculated Hire, and within all of those are some really great young professionals you can learn something new from every single day. The company offers so many opportunities to better your career, so take advantage of each & every one!
1 One person found this helpful

Internal Hiring Intern

February - August 2017 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I fell in love with the culture of Eight Eleven, even as an intern! I felt truly integrated into the very tight-knit, family-oriented culture that Eight Eleven has. I had so much fun coming into work every day and felt truly comfortable. More than that, though, I found that Eight Eleven's culture runs much deeper than just the fun side - the culture is founded in passion, support, motivation, accountability, and so much more! Everyone is rooting for your success and will help you reach your goals, inside and outside of the internship/company.

What I wish was different


Be resourceful! Eight Eleven provides a really cool experience that not a ton of other internships provide - interns get the chance to be as involved in the company's true functions as they would like. If you want to actively recruit, you can! If you want to shadow different departments of Eight Eleven's Corporate Headquarters, you can! If you want to create new marketing material - do it! There is always more work that can be done, as long as you are interested and looking for more. Use your resources, including the people around you, to get the most out of your internship!
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Internal Hiring Intern

October 2018 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I enjoyed coming into work every day. The Internal Hiring Team shares a clear vision and always bring their unique qualities to the table. Throughout my time here, I learned many skills that will help me not only in future job opportunities but also in life. The members of this team seek feedback from one another so they can always be improving the company and themselves.

What I wish was different


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Internal Hiring Intern

January 2019 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I enjoyed going to work each day because of the offices fun and welcoming environment! Everyday I had work to do and new things to learn. I had plenty of responsibility and felt like an active part of the team!

What I wish was different

My college, Indiana State University, is an hour and a half away from Eight Elevens office. Due to the travel distance I choose to move home to Indianapolis and finish my degree online to pursue the internship full time. I really missed being on campus and being with my friends for my last semester but have had such a good experience at Eight Eleven and grew friendships with the other interns!


Be a self starter! The office is always busy and there is plenty of work to be done, it is completely acceptable to begin work or take on a project on your own initiative!
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Internal Hiring Intern

May - July 2018 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

The environment

What I wish was different

Given a larger variety of jobs to do


Continue to ask for things to do
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