Falling Creek Camp

Digital Asset Coordinator and Administrative Assistant

May - August 2019 • Zirconia, NC

What I liked

I got to be away from home and completely independent. It was also a great way to gain experience working with other people and in a professional environment while getting to be outside and try new things often. It forced me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to a lot of diverse and interesting people that I'll remember and keep in touch with.

What I wish was different

It's difficult to market a job working at a summer camp to employers looking to hire interns, however the sheer workload of the job ( 17+ hours a day) combined with the experiences I gained I feel can be communicated if worded the right way in a resume or explained well in an interview.


This experience, while fun and engaging, lasted from mid May (a week or so after finals) to mid August (a week before classes started). It is a full-summer commitment that's both physically and mentally challenging to get through. However, the benefits far outweigh the challenges and it was by far the most rewarding experience I've had.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2019 • Tuxedo, NC

What I liked

Very team oriented, excellent support base to make sure that everyone is successful in whatever area that they're in.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2018 • Tuxedo, NC

What I liked

The impact you have on the boys

What I wish was different

Pay more clear


Be in it for the whole summer
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